fruit-ninja (3)
Fruit Ninja has always been the best fruit slicing game for iOS and Android platform, they have given us a nice juicy way to cut all the fruits and make some nice points, well as I have posted earlier that Subway Surfers came to Windows Platform but un officially so this game is ported to the Windows platform and you can easily download this game for your Windows PC. Well the game come with all the same option as available on your iPhone or iPad but now instead of your finger you need to use the mouse click and drag option to cut the fruits into slices, so still now it’s a fun part. Well below are some images check it out.
fruit-ninja (1)fruit-ninja (2)
Well even this game runs directly you do not need to install it on your PC, just download the .zip package from the download link provided on right and then extract it using Winrar and default windows extraction program, then just double click on the fruitninja.exe file and your game will run on the GO, well there are some glitches I found in this game, well I was not able to detect any sound paying, I checked the game folder it has sound folder but still there is some problem, so just check that thing and report if it is working or not. Well do check the game in action in the video below.

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